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About Grooving to a new year! Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 23 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links XiaoBai's deviantartDani3lr My Old Blog Useful Links
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Saturday, April 09, 2005 Earlier this year, I found out from my polytechnic friend that the other friend of mine became single in December last year. The current status was that both found a new partner. Her relationship with her ex-boyfriend was a four year long relationship, and would have gone on to the fifth year if the relationship survives.
Just a few days ago, my current uni group mate just message me and told me that her boyfriend of six years broke up with her because of a waitress in his dad's disco. They have been having some problems lately, due to the fact that her boyfriend was busy with polytechnic and his dad's new disco business. They separated for awhile before going back...but it didn't last. My other uni classmate broke off with her boyfriend of 3 years because she couldn't stand his split personality behaviour anymore. She had been trying to compromise with him, but he was the one being unreasonable... I wonder how do people break off the bond that they built up over the years...don't they find it sad? Do they thought about the whole thing before breaking off? Or is it an impulse move? Why in the world do they get together in the first place, only to break off the relationship? I believe they get together in the first place was due to the fact that they love/like one another and found similar interests with each other. They feel the chemistry between one another and wish to move further. They enjoy one another's company and thats where the relationship starts. But thats when problem starts coming in. The long conversations with one another starts to dwindle to a few minutes talk. The interests that they used to have are no longer there; each changes and has different interests. They no longer put in efforts in making the relationship work. The personalities change as time goes by, so the things one used to like about the other no longer exists. One finds out undesirable traits of the other, causing doubts in the relationship. Or simply, the love for one another is gone. There are many people who do not love but stays on the relationship, because the other one has become a part of his/her life. If he/she breaks off, there will be a void in his/her life...and they will feel the urge to patch back that void. There are also people who still love the other but decides to leave the partner because of reasons like time, money, pain inflicted by the partner...etc... Frankly speaking, relationships are complicated, one should never jump into a relationship when you are not ready for one. A relationship that drags for too long is rather dead...but if both of them makes an effort to revitalise the relationship, then that relationship can be a all new one. Note both because the effort must be together or else the other who puts in more effort will slowly give up. And in the beginning stage of the relationship, if you find that person to be uncompatible, try to accept the partner. But if you don't find a future with him/her, break off. This will help you in the future when the bond in the relationship is so strong that you do not bear to break the bond anymore. And being with someone you know there is no future with will be very very painful. Okay..haha...is my personal opinion lah, looking at other people's painful experiences...very subjective and really, a relationship holds different meanings to different individuals... In a modern society, how do you keep your relationship alive? I wonder...