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About Grooving to a new year! Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 23 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links XiaoBai's deviantartDani3lr My Old Blog Useful Links
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Saturday, February 26, 2005 WEeEEeEE!! I finally participate in a cosplay event! It was the Naruto Ramen Outing at Tiong Bahru Plaza!!
Anyway, before all that, I went to my boyfriend's tae-kwon-do competition and he won the gold medal in the group pattern competition!! So proud of him!! That marked a good and bright day and I took the train to Tiong Bahru with a very very good mood. I reached there around 12 plus to find Xiaobai in the toilet alone and waxing her hair up. Looks cool but we had to borrow a comb from Matashiki (who was in the males toilet...we have to call him to get him to pass it to us >< ) Anyway, Daniel and Shika (sorry! I can't really recall names well) came along. Yes, I finally met Daniel in person..^^ Had to dress myself up in my yukata (which the last time I wore my yukata was 2 years ago) and while dressing up, Yomiko came. Had to struggle with my yukata and hers too cause she needed my help. In the end, Xiaobai, Shika and Daniel went off to meet the group first, leaving Yomiko and I to struggle with our yukatas. Shall fast forward to after I had my yukata up on my body. We (Yomiko and I) went back to the MRT Station to gather with the rest of the Naruto group. I actually felt left out since everyone was in their character costume and Yomiko and I were the only 'villagers' from Konoha..But I was fine after I had warmed up with the group members. It was rather fun and exciting experience to be eating ramen in a restaurant with the Naruto team. Everyone were looking at us like we were from some planet who came to visit Earth. HAHA... But I didn't bother much on how people looked at me, I was practically having fun, chit chatting, walking around and talking to the cosplayers. I didn't have a digital camera so that actually left me with no photos as a memoir..Daniel took two pictures of me, so I shall get it from her later! After the ramen lunch, we were supposed to go for a photoshoot but Xiaobai and I had to go back home. We left rather reluctantly but this is still an experience that I would rather die than to miss it! ^_^ PS: will post my pic here if I could get it from the cosplayers!~ -_-''
Wednesday, February 23, 2005 YAY YAY!~ Exams are over...actually, it is exam to be exact...I have just one paper today and my exam is over!~ Will be meeting my boyfriend tomorrow and will meet up with naruto cosplayers on saturday!~ YAY!~
I have bought Fruits Basket vol 14 manga this week and I must say, everytime I read the manga, it gives me sad vibes and I always feel depressed after that. The story of the 12 Chinese Zodiac characters and Honda Tohru is haunting...to me at least. Initially, the plot started off light and fluffy, with slight tinge of bitterness. But as the plot goes on, the story gets darker and you are just tasting bitter sweet juice every time you read a new volume. But I feel the pain of the characters, and at times I felt that I am also suffering from the same fate as the characters. Especially in volume 14, the girl who was in Yuki's student committee (i just forgotten her name -_-''), I felt the same way as what she feels. The character that I am talking about doubts herself, whether she has her own thinking, her own identity. Okay, I am not that extreme, I do know what colour I like, but at the same time, I doubt myself because I felt my life have always been there to please other people in my life. I never really thought of what I want to become in the past. When I was in secondary 2 streaming, I told myself I want to go to the science course, because I hope to please my parents. When I gotten my 'O' levels results, I initially picked SP's Biotechnology for my course, but because of my sister (she said NP better, and business is good), I chose Business Studies instead. Yes, I guess I really have no brains of my own to choose for my own self. I felt that what I have done in the past is just going according to other peoples' will. I felt that I have no identity of my own. It was only during my poly years, that I really hated my past, I really cringed whenever I thought about my past, things that I have done that I shouldn't have. I hated myself and doubted myself so much. Even now I have difficulty having my own identity. I do not know what I want to be, what is the kind of person I should become. I desire for too much things that I do not know which need and want I should pursue first. I lost my focus in life. I said to myself that I wanted to be in marketing, because I am interested in it. Thats why I am studying it. But I realise that it is something that is forged out from my past, the road that I have chosen in polytechnic, and I have no way to turn back. I envy my sisters who found their goals...and other people whom I have met. They know what they want, I don't. There are too many cross roads in my life, and I am just going through the path that is in my comfort zone. I do not dare to take a step out and experience my life in another way. Thus, at 21, I've decided I must find an identity for myself, experience life in whatever form it takes, find out my real interests and go for it! And wish me luck in that journey of mine!
Thursday, February 17, 2005 Hello everyone! This is my first blog post in this new blog of mine. I have decided to dedicate on blog site for my fascination for Japanese anime and manga...Am currently into Naruto and Bleach anime, and a whole lot of manga series that I enjoyed.
I am rather old for my fascination, 21 to be precise, but I hope to enjoy while I can and just do something I like for once, cosplaying. It came to me when I first went for the cosplay extravagenza in Singapore Science Centre in December last year. I was there for the fan art actually, but the cosplayers really impressed me. The following Baka Matsuri event had completely overwhelmed me with the cosplaying world. Thats when I had decided (with Xiaobai, my sister) that I want to cosplay. To enjoy it while I can, while I am free. This site shall hold anything related to Japanese anime, manga, cosplaying, etc...But if you want to see my old blog, which has more about my life, you can click the link below. Old Blog