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About Grooving to a new year! Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 23 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links XiaoBai's deviantartDani3lr My Old Blog Useful Links
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006 I'm supposed to be mugging for my exams...ahahah...why the heck am I writing gibberish here!?!?!?!
Anyway, just felt like writing on this thing that was stuck in my head since this afternoon. I was reading through the sgcafe's TCSS area yesterday since I am at home on VALENTINE'S DAY. Yes, I have no choice but to miss my friends' outing and stayed at home to study for my exam. =_='' Ended up getting distracted by alot of stuff..haahaha.. Sorry for the sidetrack. As I was saying, I chanced upon this thread set up by some bored person, asking people to write in the thread, what do they regret on in life. I find it simply amusing as I scroll through the thread, from page 1 to page 3 I think. Some forum-ers are bored to write in some real regrets, while others are just spamming. I saw one which actually listed out all her regrets (I believe the person is a she because I doubt any guy would actually hold so much regret and write it out in some thread supposedly for spamming purpose) But I wonder whether they are joking or not when one wrote: "I regret being born and being sentient." or "that i'm human......" I wondered if this is just a spam post because it may be true that the person actually regret being a human. I mean, if you are sick of your life, you may actually regret being one human living on earth. But then again, who are they to decide if they are a human or not? If you are the person who decide on being a human, fine! Go ahead and regret all you can! The problem is you are not given the choice to choose who you want to be in this Earth! And for goodness sake, you prefer to be born as something else? We humans are the highest in the hierarchy of the chain in life! It is a privilege to be borne as a human being!! Then again, these people could be joking, so I'll just let this thought go... Then there's others like "i regret being in singapore..." and she posted another "i regret not being born in Japan." Again, I think that isn't up to you to decide. And what's wrong with Singapore? If you are talking about the fast, hectic lifestyle we have, our education system, our paper-emphasized society, okay I understand. But I still prefer to stay in Singapore than anywhere else. Because here, we are safe, we are taken care of (Are you fully clothed? Are you staying in a comfy house? Are you eating and drinking well? Do you have monthly or weekly allowances?), we have a stable economy (for now), we are geographically safe and many more. So you think this country is hectic? There are many other countries that are too~! And we are really lucky to borne in Singapore and not some third world country, or even in the poorer SEA countries.. And with the recent Muslim outroar around most developed countries, what can I say about this? Do you see any Muslims in Singapore waving signboards, burning cars, smashing shop windows, trashing people, rioting, disturbing the peace of other citizens? NO RIGHT?!?! Until now, we are living in such stable condition in this chaotic world. Can people please learn to understand that this is a privilege to be living in such a safe environment and stop thinking of the grass that is greener on other countries. =___='' Sigh...Long time since I posted my opinions..