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About Grooving to a new year! Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 23 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links XiaoBai's deviantartDani3lr My Old Blog Useful Links
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Friday, April 29, 2005 *sobs* (song Sadness and Sorrow playing on the media player)
Naruto episode 132 was out yesterday...and I catched it once the bittorrent download was successful. It was sad.....really sad... I absolutely love Junko san for putting up a great voice in expressing Naruto's emotions throughout the whole episode. She really pull the sad and angsty voice out to match what Naruto was feeling. Sasuke wa baka!!!! T_T.... Nara Animation has improved in their animation skills. I believe the episodes from the beginning of the chase till now were extremely well-done...especially the recent few episodes. Everything was beautiful; the art, music and the seiyuu... I cried when I saw the part where Sasuke pierced his hand through Naruto's right chest. Junko san really pulled that one out beautifully. I love her!!!! Xiaobai says Non-tan did well too, considering Sasuke did have a super angry and angsty voice. But I think the main star for that episode was Naruto(with Junko's voice). Kanashii na....Naruto wa..zutto sabishii ne....*sobs* BAKA SASUKE!!!! T_T... Okay...leaving that sad and angsty episode behind...I have just watched Steam Boy, which I have bought the DVD a week ago. I actually wanted to catch it when it was featured as the opening film for the Singapore Film Festival...but it was a sold out. The art was FANTASTIC!!!! I love the skies and the background and I love the story plot as well. The story was about a young boy named Ray who loves inventing. His father and grandfather are scientists, as well as researchers. The setting of the story is when steam was widely used for automating machinery. One day, Ray received a parcel from his grandfather. Inside this parcel, was a round metal container and couple of instructions written on paper. With the steam ball, Ray found himself being chased after by a US federation and was subsequently caught. He found out that his father was working for this federation and the steam ball was used to create Steam City, and his father intended to create a new world that's fully automated using steam. Soon after, he found out from his grandfather that his father's intentions were evil and he had invented massive weaponry that could start major wars around the world. He also found out that the federation had invited the army leaders of different nations to purchase these weaponry. With his grandfather, he ran away with the steam ball and met Mr Stevenson, an envoy for Britain. He passed the steam ball to Mr Stevenson but realised that Mr Stevenson had the same intentions; to use the ball for battle purposes. What follows was chaos and a loss of control over the Steam City. What happens next? nah...I shan't tell you..go watch it yourself..hahah....But really, I love the whole animation...the seiyuu for Ray was good too...and they apparently almost destroy the whole of london. I give it 2 thumbs up!!! >__< *yawns*...end of blog...hehe...
Thursday, April 28, 2005 Something that I have been pondering for days ever since I've watched a short episode of Gundam Seed while on the bus.
That episode was the second last episode, where Earth used nuclear weapons to destroy Zaft's fortress and proceeds to attempt to invade Zaft's headquarters. That's where Kira and Athrun used Meteor to destroy the nuclear weapons and attempted to stop the fight between Earth and Zaft. I saw that episode before, when my sister xiaobai borrowed from her friend. That last few episodes were really sad and wonderful. I didn't watch the earlier episodes but watching later episodes were good enough for me. Those few episodes are impactful. They bring out the horrors of war, the neverending suffering on both sides of the war. After I watched the last episode, I felt sad and it left me teary. Why? Because war is bad. Gundam Seed manages to bring that out. Yes, it is an anime with lots of violent scenes. But it teaches us that war is bad, that people suffer because of war. That nuclear weapons or any dangerous and damaging weapons are evil and lethal. Even though the anime is dramatic, and cliche, the underlying message is big and clear: THERE SHOULDN'T BE WAR! WAR IS BAD! Naruto is another anime/manga that has good underlying message. Naruto comes across as a 'real' story, because all the character are very real. Fans of Naruto are attracted because the story relates to them closely. The feeling of loneliness, friendship problems..these are real to all of us. Naruto touches people because even though the characters have sad past, they are able to come out of it in the end...is like a rainbow appearing after it rains. Of course, the person who brings those characters who had fallen into darkness was Naruto...but he himself, with his sad past, can still be optimistic about his future. I wish I can be like him..hehe Fruits Basket is another manga which I love...because it touches on finding your own identity, standing up towards adversity and many others which I can't explain. Especially the story on the tiger Kisa...how she stopped talking because her classmates laughed at her everytime she opened her mouth. She finally picked herself up with the help of Tohru...who gave her hope and love... I really love the part, because when you are hurt, when you fell into depression, only that person who gives you love and concern can pull you out. That person could be anyone, as long as the person truly loves you and wishes you well. What's my moral of post? ANIME/MANGA ARE GOOD!!! NOT EVERY ANIME/MANGA ARE BAD, VIOLENT AND HORRIBLE... *coughs* yah....I don't know why, I love to write in my blogs nowadays..hehe
hahahah...not new lah...just a modified one from the blog skin I had for my old blog...I just wanted this picture to be used for my blog...so I went through the hassle of modifying the blog myself...turn out fine actually!!! >__<
Thanks to the original blogskin maker, the artist who drew Kanda (yes...Kanda from D Gray Man...is a HE by the way...>__<) and the trailing words are lyrics from Gackt's Miserable...THANKS!!!~~~~ AHH!! I LOVE THIS LAYOUT!!~~~ >___<
Monday, April 18, 2005 If you have read the Straits Times a few days ago, at a small vertical column, there is an article on a 25 going 26 year old man who collapsed after running the treadmill in the gym. He was announced dead when he reached the hospital.
That man was my university classmate's friend's husband. If you continue to read on, the article said that they had only been married for 47 days. And he was gone now. My friend told me this afternoon when we met for our project work that they had a memorial service last week and her friend (the wife) went up on stage for a testimonial. She was strong, and she held back her tears as she relate how they have first met, how she found out from his diary that he loved her since that first time and had already wanted her to be his wife. She relates how loving was her husband and how he always did the housework for her even though they are both working. She relates that he had always kept the two eggs that she gave to him. (She drew a girl and a boy's face on each egg) She relates how on that day he died, the egg with the boy's face fell on the ground and broke when she wanted to show the eggs to her friend. Throughout the whole testimonial, she never cried. She held back her tears and spoke with determination and strength. My friend however, cried. She felt so sad because their marriage had only just begun and her friend was now without her loved one. They were Christians though, and their belief was that one will go to heaven when they died. Thus, the service, although filled with grief and sadness, was to 'celebrate' that the husband had went onto heaven and begin a new life there. I would have cried too, if I am at that memorial service. I would cry too, if I've heard that my loved one had passed away, without me by his side. I would not be able to think for a few months probably, and would felt my life is meaningless without him by my side. Grief and sadness are the worst thing that one had to experience. But after grief, sadness and suffering, what was left for you is a harder shell, a different outlook in life where you would really cherish your close ones and a new beginning. This reminds me of the music video of 'Fighter' by Christina Arguilera. After the pain and suffering, you will become a stronger person and that is what humans have to go through. My friend wondered why a relationship would be shortened so aruptly, since they are so happy together. The other friend who was with us told us that thats because the karmic relationship of these two had ended. That both have paid up what they owe of one another and that relationship ended when they are no more debts between them. This is karma, destiny and fate. As you can see, my friend is a christian, while the other believes in spirituality. I like listening to their beliefs, and I am glad that they never try to push me to believe in their beliefs. I shall end now by sending my deepest condolences to that friend of hers, and the family of the man who died.
Friday, April 15, 2005 Life Choices
Choices are troublesome, Choices are hard. Choices make people happy, But they can make one sad. Why do people have to make choices?? They are troublesome, they are hard to decide and they will affect the people around you. I hate making choices, making decisions. I am a indecisive girl, who prefers people to decide for me. But I am also contradicting, because I will be unhappy if the choice is not good. The reason is that I do have a choice I want but I am afraid of the consequences if I choose it. If I choose it, what will happen? Will I regret it in the future? Will there be any consequences? Will I cause harm or hurt another? Will I look back at my life 5-10 years later and said: 'I have made the wrong choice.'? Yes, I am a worry freak. But it is true. Who likes making choices, knowing that it might turn bad? Who likes to come to a decision that is bad? IF it is positive, of course people like it. If it is something bad, if it involves hurting another as a result of your decision, will you still be willing to take that choice? Thats why I hate making decisions. Choices and decisions are troublesome, they affect the love ones around you, they affect the people around you. And, they affect you. But life is all about making decisions, choosing the choice you want or prefer. And either live to love it, or live to regret it. I hate it, it is not what I wanted in life. I prefer a carefree, no worries life. But it is impossible, because we are humans who can think and control our own actions, not animals, not insects, not machines. I truely hope that one day, I can turn back and look at my life again and decide that I lead a wonderful life. Hope is one thing many wishes everyday to have. Some has it, some doesn't get it at all.
Saturday, April 09, 2005 Earlier this year, I found out from my polytechnic friend that the other friend of mine became single in December last year. The current status was that both found a new partner. Her relationship with her ex-boyfriend was a four year long relationship, and would have gone on to the fifth year if the relationship survives.
Just a few days ago, my current uni group mate just message me and told me that her boyfriend of six years broke up with her because of a waitress in his dad's disco. They have been having some problems lately, due to the fact that her boyfriend was busy with polytechnic and his dad's new disco business. They separated for awhile before going back...but it didn't last. My other uni classmate broke off with her boyfriend of 3 years because she couldn't stand his split personality behaviour anymore. She had been trying to compromise with him, but he was the one being unreasonable... I wonder how do people break off the bond that they built up over the years...don't they find it sad? Do they thought about the whole thing before breaking off? Or is it an impulse move? Why in the world do they get together in the first place, only to break off the relationship? I believe they get together in the first place was due to the fact that they love/like one another and found similar interests with each other. They feel the chemistry between one another and wish to move further. They enjoy one another's company and thats where the relationship starts. But thats when problem starts coming in. The long conversations with one another starts to dwindle to a few minutes talk. The interests that they used to have are no longer there; each changes and has different interests. They no longer put in efforts in making the relationship work. The personalities change as time goes by, so the things one used to like about the other no longer exists. One finds out undesirable traits of the other, causing doubts in the relationship. Or simply, the love for one another is gone. There are many people who do not love but stays on the relationship, because the other one has become a part of his/her life. If he/she breaks off, there will be a void in his/her life...and they will feel the urge to patch back that void. There are also people who still love the other but decides to leave the partner because of reasons like time, money, pain inflicted by the partner...etc... Frankly speaking, relationships are complicated, one should never jump into a relationship when you are not ready for one. A relationship that drags for too long is rather dead...but if both of them makes an effort to revitalise the relationship, then that relationship can be a all new one. Note both because the effort must be together or else the other who puts in more effort will slowly give up. And in the beginning stage of the relationship, if you find that person to be uncompatible, try to accept the partner. But if you don't find a future with him/her, break off. This will help you in the future when the bond in the relationship is so strong that you do not bear to break the bond anymore. And being with someone you know there is no future with will be very very painful. Okay..haha...is my personal opinion lah, looking at other people's painful experiences...very subjective and really, a relationship holds different meanings to different individuals... In a modern society, how do you keep your relationship alive? I wonder...
Thursday, April 07, 2005 I've just realise that it has been awhile since I have written a proper blog post...hahah....guess managing two blogs at one time is kinda difficult.
Anyway, I have catched the recent Naruto anime episode 127-128 and I must say, the anime is getting better! Better quality in terms of animation and music, and the action scenes are good too! I recalled there are certain parts in the anime where the animators actually did a sloppy work on the art, causing naruto to have a slightly distorted face..*sighs*... But the anime is really getting better. I am so excited when I've heard that there will be a new opening and ending song for Naruto. Can't wait to hear the new songs! I've always like the songs from Naruto....Oh yah, Bleach had a change of songs as well...but I think there are alot of Bleach anime fans who actually prefer the first opening and second ending. But I think you have to change the songs to suit the flow of the anime plot. The manga graphics are usually more impactful, because the animators tend to reduce the gruesome or 'ouch' parts. However, anime brings out the emotional scenes with their sorrowful music and the voices of seiyuu. Which is better is really up to an individual's preference...I prefer reading manga actually. ^_^ I have found a liking towards Japanese rock songs. It was requiem who introduced it to me (THANKS GAL!!!!) and one of the jrockers in the scene that I like is Gackt. Gackt, the supposedly reputed for being the most beautiful man in Japan has songs that are meaningful (Last song, Miserable) to naughty (Vanilla >__<). I am also listening to jrock bands like L'arc en Ciel and Gazette. I love Uruha from Gazette. He looks like a girl! >___< I am so jealous...hahaha.... Currently listening to Happiness from Glay (Thanks to Requiem again!~) EDIT: Oh yah, one more person to thank...ACKTOSH KUN!!! Hahha....thanks for your contribution to my small jrock music collection! >__<
Saturday, April 02, 2005 hahah...a stupid post as usual...here's me with Itachi's Magenkyou Sharigan!!!~ O_O
![]() Freaky?? >___<