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About Grooving to a new year! Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 23 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links XiaoBai's deviantartDani3lr My Old Blog Useful Links
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Thursday, May 26, 2005 What are the colours I like?
hmm...good question. I do not have a colour that I really like, but if I must choose, well, maybe purple. I love purple, the rich and sensual colour. Second...initially I thought of blue, but actually, I think I may like Black or Red. Black is the colour of darkness, while Red is passion. I love red, not for the passion, but because it is loud and attractive. Black with red is the best contrast that I can think of. Blue is a good colour too, sky blue, dark blue feels deep and comforting. There are these colours I dislike. Grey, this is the colour I dislike. Why? Because it is a colour that is between white and black. To me, grey is something unnoticable, a colour where no one notices, where people passes it by without looking at it. That feeling that I sometimes had when I am alone. That I am grey. Thus I hate grey. Then it is yellow and orange. I do not particularly like these colours because they are too bright, something I am not. I am not someone in the light, my moods are more towards the darkness than light. Thus, yellow and orange is too bright for me. Beside, the two colours make me look/feel fat..hehe.. I do prefer neutral colours too, like skin colour and brown..they are earthy...which I like. So there you go, my view on the colours that I like, and dislike. ^__^
Monday, May 23, 2005 Yeah...I somehow recall something that I wanted to write out now so here I am, blogging once again..
I am a dreamer. I sat on the bus, watching the scenaries pass by and I daydreamed. I sleep and I dreamed. But I live in my dreams. I replayed images of has been or had been in my mind and twisted it around. Things I have regretted, how would it be if I didn't do what I had done, or said what I should say. Past mistakes will be brought up and replayed in my mind, and I will change it so that I made no mistakes at all. But it is impossible, because once I change it, I feel regretful, because in my mind I imagined a good ending, but in actual fact, it never happened. Then I will imagine of might be, like if I die now, what will happen to the people around me. I often do that, I will imagine my own funeral, i will think about how people will react to my death. Or i will imagine I have a major illness, and what will happen when I am dying on the bed, with people around me. Will I say anything, or will I just die. I will imagine what I will happen to me if I speak up to my mum, if i leave the house, if I go abroad, if I become successful...and many many other things... You may say I am really free to think such things, but no, all these are thoughts while riding on the MRT or bus alone, while trying to get to sleep, while doing nothing at all. And sometimes, I really wish I can live in my dreams, because I will make it so fine in there that it will be a happy ending. But when I snapped back to reality, it looks so bleak to me..but thats reality. Reality never looks good anyway. Escaping is no use, but that doesn't stop me from not doing so. I escaped to my own dreams because I am weak, I am unable to makes my good dreams come true. So I will live in my dreams until one day when I am stronger, and tougher to pull my dreams from my mind into reality. Till now, I shall continue to dream, to imagine my success. For without it, I will not have the desire to seek success in my life and my life will be meaningless.
Sunday, May 22, 2005 I actually have alot of things to say, but somehow, I didn't manage to log into blogger in time to remember them. But anyway, I've just catch Bleach manga 179 and Naruto 260. Both are equally good reads, since I get to see Byakuya's soft side as well as Itachi's smile in the two chapters.
And I have just finished up one of the projects in which I was the leader. I must say, I don't like being a leader..there are too many thing I have to handle, responsibilities to take and conflicts to handle. But I think I pull it off quite well, although in the group of five, only four of us are doing work. The other girl..well, she had her personal problems, causing her to be totally blanked out from school work. I don't know what to say, but to me, I feel she should have been more responsible in her work. I think no matter how bad the situation is, you must draw a line between personal and work matters. While doing this project, I am also trying to overcome one of my personal matters. This matter leaves me completely drained and tired, and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to shake that matter off. It doesn't help when I don't know what I am thinking is right. I couldn't really smile much, because I don't feel like smiling anymore. But I continued with the project, because I know life goes on. And this matter is simply unresolved, because of my weak conviction. I hate confrontations, so to put it simply, I do not know how to approach this issue. I do not trust my opinions, but my opinions are the final judges to this matter. What I fear is that my judgement is wrong. If I resolve this matter wrongly, I will live to regret it. But on the otherhand, I have no wish to drag this issue any further..it has been with me since a few months ago, and it is still unresolved. I just wish I am less wishy washy and put more effort to resolve this issue. But how can I do it when I know the outcome is not going to be pretty? I wish I have an answer to this... And I have two more projects plus upcoming exams..but I guessed I should hold this issue till after my exams, when I have more time to think about it. The people who I've consulted tell me to think thoroughly before I act. I think I will...definitely.. Okay, I think I am going to die soon if I didn't start producing stuff for my other projects..T_T... Good nitey~!
Friday, May 13, 2005 Firstly, let me start with the bleach memo thingy..haha....with my name as ironyv, I had an affair with shuuhei!!! hhaha....with my name Ivy, I had an affair with GIN!! and my spouse is SOIFONG!!! A BISEXUAL!!! -_-''
lol...anywayz, if you have seen the latest spoiler parts of chapter 178, AIZEN IS SOO EVIL!! BUT HE LOOKS SO SMEX WITH HIS HAIR BRUSHED BEHIND AND WITH NO SPECS ON!! And Gin is soooo........sad...sigh...I really support GinxRan relationship..they are like the star-crossed lovers sia..sigh... I can't wait to see the full 178 chapter..and I am very curious since, this chapter is the end of the soul society arc...so what now? I believe Kubo will have more to offer..hehhe....can't wait.. *SOBS* yesh, I watched Naruto anime ep 134...yesh, they finally end that painful arc..Sasuke and Naruto had a bond that even after they fought, it will never be broken. And according to some livejournal user, the anime is doing filler episodes before Kakashi Gaiden...NOOOOOO!!! I want to see Kakashi Gaiden..it so happens that manga 27 was out this week and Xiaobai bought it. When it came to the part where Obito was crushed, I really feel pained and sad. I cried when Obito offers his sharingan eye to Kakashi, who even now (as in when Kakashi became older), couldn't forgive himself for not being able to save Obito. Yeah..I realised Naruto is a very friendship-centered story..think Sasuke and Naruto and Kakashi and Obito. Think about the strange reason why in order to obtain Magenkyou Sharingan, you have to kill your closest friend. And I think Naruto will be darker as the plot continues, and I am loving it everyday!!
Monday, May 02, 2005 How do you like trying to live up to people's expectations?
Noone like it..in fact, expectations are frustrating and heart-aching. I spent alot of time in my past, trying to live up to my parents' expectations. You see, I am not a bright student, and I would bring back below average results to my parents. I remembered I was always asked to 'pull up my socks' and to buck up in my studies. Expectations started to appear when I went to secondary school. It was only in Secondary 2 that I studied harder and get better grades. At that time, all I wish to do was to prove to my parents that I am good and I aimed for the science class in Secondary three. In the end, I'd gone into the science class but I was unhappy. Because my mum just told me to continue and hope I can maintain my grades in the class. I was rather frustrated, because that is not the response I wished to hear. I wished to hear more motivating and uplifting words...I wished to hear her praise me. What was worse was that she compared my results with my elder sister, whom, together with my younger sister are smarter and scored better grades than myself. I did hate myself for not being a bright student, but I did continue to work hard for my 'O' levels and in the end, I scored. Well, not as well as my two siblings, but to me, it was an accomplishment. From being a C student in Mathematics, I managed to tackle both Additional Mathematics and Elementary Mathematics with a B3 and an A2 respectively. That is something that I have achieved through hard work. My motto in life is to work hard to get what I want, because I know that the things that I wanted will not be easily obtainable. But it sometimes get really frustrating and tiring, because here you are working your ass out, while you see another person being alot smarter than you and by the end of the day, the results are the same...That really hurts...but well...that's my life path I have to undergo.. I hate expectations now...I wish they can just go away from me..I wish I can run away and avoid them. But somehow, I knew in my heart that I can't just run away...I have to face them. And facing them means to keep up with what I have and push myself harder to perform well. But I wish I can just take a break and relax once in a while...going on a holiday would be nice...but oh well.. I am a student with no income, so I think maybe I should just give myself some time-out and replenish my mental and physical energy.. Good nitey peps...^__^