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About Grooving to a new year! Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 23 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links XiaoBai's deviantartDani3lr My Old Blog Useful Links
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Sunday, June 26, 2005 One of the things that I aimed to do was done...I broke up with my boyfriend officially today...Why officially, 'cos I initiated it on Friday but it is only today that we really broke up.
To certain friends that seen me after my break up from friday onwards, I seemed rather calm and composed...but I am truly numb and dead inside. Imagine feeling emotional for every day for the past few weeks...I feel super drained and tired. I couldn't smile when I am alone, couldn't laugh as loud as I had in the past, and my mind just draws blank when I am with my friends sometimes. But this is not over yet...I need to get over the whole break up before I can really pull myself up and smile again. I just need more time. sigh...
Thursday, June 23, 2005 My exams are over and done with~~!!! After 3 weeks of major slogging, brain tissue killing and lots of sms-es to tell people that i am bored of studying, I am finally free from my semester exams!!!!!~~~~~
Now to plan out what to do during my one month holiday: 1) From now till before 10 July 2005, I am to concentrate on making XB, Requiem and my ANBU vest, and to get ready for the big day~~~!!! IS MY BIG DAY 'COS THAT WILL BE MY DEBUT COSPLAYING EVENT!!! 2) To find a bloody job to support myself or else I can forget about my bleach cosplay...T___T 3) To resolve the two things that I said I will by July 4) To write out my incomplete SDK fanfiction...-__-'' 5) To exercise, kill off my flabby thighs and arms..hehehe... 6) Meet my ex-boss, friends, cosplayers, etc... 7) Nothing I can think of..hahaha.... Yeah...thats probably what I will be doing for this whole month..hehehe...^__^ before my new term starts....three freaking difficult subjects (International Advertising, Retail Marketing and Distribution and BUSINESS POLICY!!), three freaking exams again...sigh....
Wednesday, June 08, 2005 Xiaobai refused to buy Rave book 31 when it was out in the comic book stores. She told me the one super cool and handsome Sieghart, who initially was a villain died in the book. When she told me that, I went:"OMG!!! WHY DO THEY KILL HIM OFF!!!" Furthermore, the reason why she refuses to buy is that we would just probably cry like mad women when we read the parts. No kidding, because Rave's art is so expressive in terms of characters' emotions, one really feels the sorrow of the characters.
For girls such as I, who cries easily, the manga is simply a tear-jerker. I cried when Haru's father's good friend dies, and I cried when after his father's friend passed away, Haru's father sacrifices his life for Haru to live. Subsequently, there are other characters' death that forces my tear duct in action; Elie's ex boyfriend who was a baddie, Reena who was a villian that fell in love with Musica and Siba, the first Rave master who dies after fighting with Haru to help Haru become the true Rave Master. It so happens that she bought book 31 and 32 yesterday, and I immediately reached for book 31 to find out how Sieghart dies. His death was sadder than I have imagined. He sent Haru and Elie back to the future after Elie recalled everything about her past. He couldn't go back with them because he had to control the time portal for them. And because Sieghart loves Elie, he gave his life to protect Lisa (who was actually Elie)'s grave for 50 years until Haru, Elie, Sieghart and the gang arrived at the grave 50 years later. 50 years later, which was the current time, Haru and Elie returned back from the past and griefs for Sieghart's death. It was really sad, how Sieghart hides his love towards Elie and dies for Elie. That was probably his form of love towards Elie, but that was too darn sad. I think Sieghart's death had broke alot of female Rave readers' hearts. Mine included. I was practically bawling with sadness, listening to the borrowed tunes of Sadness and Sorrow and Grief and Sorrow. I really hoped, like what Haru said in front of Sieghart's grave, that the other characters mustn't die. T___T Speaking of character's death, if you have read the latest Manga chapters, Gaara's ichibi was extracted out and Gaara was left to die. Alot of Naruto's readers think that Gaara won't die, but I have my doubts. Because Kishimoto never gave a predictable ending. He may really kill Gaara off for plot's sake, but he could follow the fan girls' wish and leave Gaara alive. Man, I can't wait to see the fate of Gaara...I hope he will be alive though, he was a sad kid to begin with and was just becoming a better person when Deidara came in and trashed him. T__________T
Saturday, June 04, 2005 Have you ever wished to have a sign or an answer given to you for a question or problem unresolved?
Like when you are thinking whether you should buy that top, and you somehow gotten an answer from the surroundings instead of the people around you? Have you have the feeling something is trying to tell you something indirectly through people, background music or anything? I've just realised I have been receiving alot of signs for an unresolved problem. While in KTV, the song that I wanted to sing addresses the apparent answer; the Joss Stone music video I saw in Topshop today addresses that too. Thats when I noticed, the answer had been around me since a long time back. i recalled the genre of music that I've always been attracted to; the songs that I have sung in my past KTV sessions, the nudging feeling inside my mind that something is wrong. All these are so out there, right in my face. But I chose to ignore them. I actually wanted to resolve it today, because I cannot hold it any longer. But I received a sign that it isn't the right time yet. Well, guess I have to wait for the right time to resolve it. A few hours ago, I was just telling xiaobai that when I was working as a part-time staff after my 'O' levels, there was once when I was on bus 157 home, when I did something odd. I spoke to the stranger beside me. It was weird, because I never do that before in my entire life, but I guessed I was a desperate loner then. I only recalled bits of what I've asked her and what I have spoken to her (she's the same age as me, in the same JC as my cousin for her 3 months' course...thats all I remembered). Xiaobai got a huge shock that her sister actually did something weird. Come to think about it, if a girl beside me suddenly started talking to me, I would have felt weird out too. hehe... Then I realised, I was a super desperate loner. So lonely that I urged myself to speak to some unknown stranger. But how time changes a person. I don't believe I would do that now. Maybe I have mellowed my impulsive behaviour (although that doesn't apply to shopping ;) ), but I think I am still a dare at heart. I wanted to try bungee jumping, because I wanted to experience the feeling of falling. I wanted to try out new and exciting stuff, like parachuting, scuba-diving and many other activities. I hope I would have time for all these though!! heheh.... Oh yah, don't try the Darlie Teacare Toothpaste...its bitter and weird....-_-'' I came across a youngster's blog yesterday...I must say, I hope that that girl just used that kinda English on her blog and not in her exam..-_-'' it hurts reading her blog actually...lol...and she had alot of action stuff too...Requiem and Kaishi would know what I meant..hehe....e.g. *glomps on XXX* *snickers*...hahaha...I'm being infected...lol..