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About Grooving to a new year! Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 23 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links XiaoBai's deviantartDani3lr My Old Blog Useful Links
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Saturday, July 30, 2005 Hey friends,
For your information, the 2nd Singapore Fireworks Festival is here!! In conjunction with our National Day Celebrations, Marina Bay will host 3 fireworks display for 3 weekends!~ Here's the details: Date : Saturday, 6th August 2005 Time : 7:45PM Venue : Marina Bay Theme : Portuguese-Themed Date : Monday, 8th August 2005 Time : 11:59PM (Countdown to National Day) Venue : Marina Bay Theme : Singapore-Themed Add : There will be a music performance by SCO Date : Sunday, 14th August 2005 Time : 8:30PM Venue : Marina Bay Theme : French-Themed Hope you can enjoy the colourful night of Singapore with those Fireworks Festival. Oooo..I am damn tempted to view those fireworks~!! ^^ Hope you can bring your close friends or close ones to enjoy the fireworks~ ^^
Wednesday, July 27, 2005 Yes, I did it again. I caused unhappiness to my parents on Tuesday by announcing that I would like to change my religion.
If you didn't notice my previous posts in either this blog or my old blog, when I reached 21, I wrote that I would like to seek my own identity in life because a) I feel I have no aim in life at all. b) I feel like a person who just follows other peoples' wishes c) Because of this, I lack of true confidence and I feel very lost at times. So, I decided that I shouldn't just blindly follow my parents' religion but to seek for more knowledge on their religion and if that is not what I believe in, I shall look at other religions. I find Taoism really simple, too simple in fact. My family prays mainly to Kuan Yin, but there are other deities that we'd prayed to. But I think what we are doing is too simple, it feels like nothing to me. We go to the temple, offer incense sticks to the deities, then offer our own prayers then leave the temple. All I do if I have problems is to pray and hope that Kuan Yin goddess can help me. I feel kinda useless in a way. Because everything is fate, everything is arranged for you. But Kuan Yin isn't from Taoism at all, Kuan Yin is actually a buddhisattva, one of the disciples of Buddha. I heard from my dad that Kuan Yin is borrowed over from Buddhism to Taoism. So after much thought, I looked into Buddhism instead. Just when I have no idea where to search, I found out that a person I know is a buddhist and being a curious me, I decided to ask for guidance from that person. From then on, I didn't look back. I was really convinced because the things i believed in in life (karma, reincarnation, cause n effect) really are the basis of Buddhism and I want to do something in my life to eradicate my bad karma that I've accumulated in this life and even my past lives. I shall not preach the contents here, else you may just fall asleep, hahaha... But anyway, on Tuesday, I decided to talk to my parents and hope that I can get their acceptance to become a Buddhist follower. Frankly speaking, I am really happy and I feel a sense of self-identity when I made my decision to become a buddhist. But when I told my parents, all hell broke loose. haha.. They think I am too young to commit myself to a religion, that I shouldn't be too devoted and that religion is just a part of life. They think I have no say in this too because I am not financially independent, which I find this reason illogical because what has religion got to do with being financially independent??? My dad talked to me based on his own knowledge, and I know he makes sense. But my mum is really illogical. But I do not blame her. In order for me to go to the centre to pray, I gave excuses, telling her I went out with friends. I know I have did something bad, that is why I decided to tell them so that I can now live my life honestly.(minus the cosplaying though...that I wouldn't dare tell them at all!) My mum was really upset for not telling her anything until the very last minute, but how can I tell her when I know she will force me to stop going if I told her in the first place? But I know it was really wrong to lie to her and I know I have lost the trust she had in me again. I only did this kind of 'never tell and then 'fess up' twice. 4 years ago, I didn't tell my parents I was going out with my ex. Something bad happened and I was forced to tell. Do you think I dare to tell them if I know my parents are very strict? Knowing my parents would kill me if I have a boyfriend, I attempted to keep my relationship with my then-boyfriend a secret. But as I said, an incident happened and I had to tell. The second time was this, the whole religion issue. I really think my mum over-reacts in this. My dad talked to me that night and never mentioned it again. But my mum continued to have a 'talk' with me which is more of a one-way communication from her side. And she kept thinking that my break-up with my ex has something to do with the religion, which I kept insisting a no. And she kept thinking that I am being reckless because I broke off my 4 year relationship so easily. That's when I could no longer stand it and told her off for saying that. I told her it is not as if I want to wait for 4 years and just break it off. I told her once again, the reasons why I broke off with him and I added those that I didn't want her to know. I think I got her convinced my ex wasn't such a good boyfriend after all. But that didn't stop her from talking about the whole religion issue. She said that I keep creating problems for her, that she's already very stressed and I gave her more stress. That she is worried because I always hide matters from her and then suddenly tell her stuff that will shocked her. That I really have too much time to spare to think of this kind of things. That SHE IS GOING TO STOP XIAOBAI AND MY JAPANESE LESSONS! (just because the relgion is japanese buddhism..-__-'') Now you know why I can never tell her about my stuff. She can really link one unrelated thing to the other and I am really exaspperated by what she says. I told her to not implicate xiaobai in it, but I think she may just stop it. *sighs* Sorry xiaobai..T_T I must say sorry because this has nothing to do with you and yet..sigh.. But frankly speaking, I should have expected such an outcome, because in the first place, my relationship with my parents especially with my mum is just...bad..is like what Yuki in Fruit Basket says, that the buttons are wrongly buttoned onto the the shirt. From the very beginning, because of my parents, my sisters grew up to be kinda fearful of our parents. I do not dare to speak up, I do not dare to go out without permission, I do not dare to tell the truth thus I lie. That's why I don't communicate with my parents especially my mum because I think whatever I say may suddenly hit a nerve in them and they will either start nagging, or scolding me. Like my ex used to say, I have 'mother phobia'. hahahaha... But this is something I have gotten by throughout my teenage years till now. But I wanted to improve this relationship with my mum. I will build back the trust she has in me again, but I am hoping that she will slowly open up and see things in her childrens' point of view, instead of just her's. When that day comes, I will really learn to love her and treat her even better. I hope that day will really come. -_-''
Friday, July 22, 2005 In response to Requiem's latest post on love and relationship, I decided to write about my thoughts about it.
We are unable to be true romantists in the kind of environment we are living in now. I maybe a romantist by heart, but sooner or later, I will change into a realist overtime. Which is not good. Thats why I used to think about leaving this materialistic country for a calm and peaceful environment, like in a countryside, where I can lead a peaceful life. I kinda agree with Requiem that perfect romance are HARD to come by. I mean, in movies, you always happen to meet with that certain someone and that person happened to be your soulmate. As i said, in the kind of environment we are living in, we can no longer have fantasies of perfect romance. Look at the high divorce rates! I mean, if we have perfect romance in this world, why would married couples choose to quit just because they can't stand the pressure of having a family? Why would men stray after marriage? What got them into marriage is love isn't it? So just because they can't feel the love they're just going to quit and divorce one another to find another romance where they may even repeat the whole process again? But I think this only happens because of the environment we live in. The society's like that, so we became part of the society overtime. After my relationship ended, I have alittle understanding of what love and relationships are like. A few years ago, before my first relationship, my cousin once told me that it is really better to have a person who love you more than you love him. At that time, I kind of agree because I had those unrequited love moments where you just happen to like a person who doesn't like you back. So I supposed having someone who loves you more will be better. But now, after ending that relationship, I have to oppose to that statement because having someone who loves you more than you do to him is painful. Unless the gap between both of you are close, you will feel bad about having someone who loves you more. You feel alittle grateful for being treated well, but at the same time, although you feel for the person, the liking is not enough and you feel bad. And because of that, you tend to want to treat the person better, do things to please the person to replace that uneasiness you feel inside you. Thats why, I rather that the love between both parties are equal, or for me to love the person more. Because I cannot stand having someone loving me more. I realise something in me that I've always dismissed. I am a rather optimistic person, and although I have my depressed moments, I will always pick myself up after awhile and I will move on. So yah, thats me, and I will still look for someone to love and sincerely hope that the person will love me back as well. As I've said, I'm a romantist, I believe there's love in this world, but because of the society, we tend to feel cynical at times. Well, wait till love comes, all cynic thoughts will ba boom to outer space!~~ ^^ In the meantime, I shall seek a good life path and try not to dwell deep into this materialistic world. Is hard not to, especially for a business major student who's going to enter the tough corporate world, materialism is an addiction. But as I've said, I'm worried, but lets see how my life will turn out~. In the meantime, I shall enjoy these few months of student life~~~
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 Yeah, I finally attempted to use both my lousy Chinese and Japanese to come up with a English translation for the song. I think there are certain parts that I can further improve on, maybe I'll need your help. If you know what word is appropriate, tag me.
English Translation Flower Like the time when flowers blossom, like a dream, meeting you is like a miracle. Loving one another, having occasional fights. Together, we are able to overcome numerous obstacles. Even if we recarnate, I want to be by your side, reborn as a flower. Will it still be there, the sun above my head. Will I'll be able to watch over, your expressions when you cry, when you laugh and when you're angry. If there's a day when nothing exists, I will be even more grateful of meeting you. On that day, in that time, a miracle happened at that place. A new path will probably exist. Because of love, I will be stronger. Because of trust, I can overcome anything. Whatever you have left behind is still there, your ever glowing existence is always in my heart. This is happiness, meeting you again, I'm able to regain my smile. 'Thank you' With overflowing emotions, I'll continue to walk on. Like the time when flowers blossom, like a dream, meeting you is like a miracle. Loving one another, having occasional fights. Together, we are able to overcome numerous obstacles. Even if we recarnate, I still want to see you. Like the time when flowers blossom, Accept the whole world. What you have left behind, is a real treasure called 'Now'. Therefore I will live even harder, to become a flower. Why do flowers wither? Why do birds fly? Why does the wind blow? And why does the moon glow? Why am I here? Why are you here? Why do I get to meet you? Meeting you, is what we call fate. Like the time when flowers blossom, like a dream, meeting you is like a miracle. Loving one another, having occasional fights. Together, we are able to overcome numerous obstacles. Even if we recarnate, I still want to see you. Like the time when flowers blossom, Accept the whole world. What you have left behind, is a real treasure called 'Now'. Therefore I will live even harder, to become a flower. After the rain stops, a rainbow appears. A green storm creates light. The thing that I can't give to others. Do you noticed that the thing is called 'love'. Can I continue to go on? I saw it, "Memories" exceed time, forever echoing loudly. Your delights, your sufferings, your everything. Come, Blossom even more, more, more~! Okay, first line :"is a real treasure called 'Now'" This in chinese hanyu pinyin is: cheng(1) wei(2) 'xian(4) zai(4)' de(4) ze ge(4) xian(4) shi(2) de bao(3) wu(4). I think the part xian shi I interpret it as 'real' but I wasn't sure. Second line:""Memories" exceed time, forever echoing loudly." In chinese hanyu pin yin, is: "xi(1) nian(4)" chao(1) yue(4) le(4) shi(2) kong(1), yong(2) yuen(3) de xiang(3) zhe(4)" The xiang(3) means loud, but I am more concerned of 'xi nian'. Should it be Memories? Because xi nian is more like missing someone, or thinking of someone. So yah..thats two areas I'm blur of..haha... I'm so proud of myself suddenly..hahaha...^^
Tuesday, July 19, 2005 Hana
Hanabira no youni chiriyuku naka de Yume mitai ni kimi ni deaeta KISEKI Aishiatte KENKA shita Ironna kabe futari de norikoete Umare kawatte mo anata no soba de hana ni narou Itsumade mo aru no darou ka ORE no maue ni aru taiyou wa Itsumade mo mamori kireru darou ka naki warai okoru kimi no hyoujou wo Izure subete nakunaru no naraba futari no deai ni motto kansha shiyou Ano hi ano toki ano basho no KISEKI wa Mata atarashii kiseki wo umu darou Aisuru koto de tsuyoku naru koto shinjiru koto de norikireru koto Kimi ga nokoshita MONO wa ima mo mune ni hora kagayaki ushinawazu ni Shiawase ni omou meguri aeta koto ORE no egao torimodoseta koto "Arigatou" afureru kimochi idaki susumu michinori *Hanabira no youni chiriyuku naka de Yume mitai ni kimi ni deaeta KISEKI Aishiatte KENKA shite Ironna kabe futari de norikoete Umare kawatte mo anata ni aitai **Hanabira no youni chitte yuku koto Kono sekai de subete uke irete yukou Kimi ga boku ni nokoshita MONO "Ima" to iu genjitsu no takaramono Dakara boku wa seiippai ikite hana ni narou Hana wa nande kareru no darou Tori wa nande toberu no darou Kaze wa nande fuku no darou Tsuki wa nande akariterasu no Naze BOKU wa KOKO ni iru n darou Naze KIMI wa KOKO ni iru n darou Naze KIMI deaeta n darou KIMI ni deaeta koto sore wa unmei (*REPEAT) (**REPEAT) Ame agari niji kakari ao arashi ni umareshi hikari Koko ni yuruginai taisetsuna mono Kidzuite'ru "aisuru" to iu koto Mada arukeru darou? mieteru n da mou "Omoi" toki wo koe toowa ni hibike Kimi no yorokobi kimi no itami kimi no subete yo Saa saki hokore motto motto motto I love this song...And I so happened to have the musiQ album which has Hana in it. Inside this album, they've also provided both japanese lyrics AND the chinese translation for it. I think if I can find a chinese writing software, i will post the chinese lyrics as well. If not, I will try to translate the song from chinese to english..I think you would like that do you? ^^ This song is actually the ending song of Be With You...yes Takuya, it is a lovely movie and this song is as lovely as the movie~ ^_^
Monday, July 18, 2005 Yeah, last week was one of those weeks that was super happening. I started my tuition job on Monday (with a sorethroat) and I must say, the two cute primary students are so adorable. But when I look at them, I'm reminded how they will grow up to be teenagers who may fall under bad influence. And suddenly, I hope they retain their innocence and hope that they have a good future ahead.
Tuesday was just alright, I kinda forgotten what I did on Tuesday..I think I was doing nothing at home that day.. Wednesday was spent having a cold, feeling sick in the afternoon and going to the students' house to teach tuition in a sick condition. And when I went to their house today, I realised the elder sister was sick, and I think I was the person who spread it to her!! -___-'' Woke up on Thursday feeling anxious and strange. Thats because I was supposed to my ex for the second time in the week. On Monday, he happened to come by my neighbourhood to pick up his pre-ordered comic and he asked me to come by and meet him for awhile. Which I did. It was rather awkward but okay. I mean, there wasn't any tears rolling from our eyes and we just talked to one another like friends. So I actually agreed to meet him again on Thursday. We met and we talked, had our lunch and walked about the Orchard road. Settled down at Coffee Bean where he read Naruto and Air Gear which I usually passed to him to read. But I kinda dreaded the long outing. He just happened to be rather quiet and leaving me to talk for most of our time together. And I hated that. Just then, Julia saved my day. She messaged to ask me out for a movie and I was like: "Hmm, should I go...?" Called her and found out she wanted to watch the movie that I had been DYING to go but haven't found a person to go with. Be With You. Wonderful reviews and a sad movie, so I couldn't help feeling the urge to go to Julia's invitation. What's more, it was her birthday on that day~ So, in the end, I told my ex that I will be watching a movie with her and he looked super unhappy. But he can't control me anymore, so he just have to agree. Stayed for a little longer and we shopped for Julia's present. Then, we went HMV where I listened to some cool Da Chang Jing tracks (so sad..T_T) and just wondered about before we walked to Cineleisure. I was already feeling the drag of the outing and wanted him to go off, but he just wanted to stay with me till Julia came. (Julia was late though..hahaha) I know he wanted to patch back with me, because he was being too nice. But I see no point in patching back, and this outing further affirms my views. Anyway, he left after I asked him to go a couple of times later. Met up with Eva and waited for the rest to come. Julia's church friends and a couple of cosplayers (who I don't know of) came and then Acktosh arrived late with Julia and another of Julia's friend. We entered the cinema 15 mins late and started watching the show..Damn it was good...I cried at the ending because it was damn sad and it brought back memories of my ex and I. But whats left are memories of him and I together in happier days, thats all. We left Cineleisure and walked to TCC at Peranakan Place and sat there for awhile. Ordered Earl Grey Extra (which caused me to have a sleepless night) and listened to nonsensical talking among the guys. Was feeling very tired and sick so I decided to call it a day. But it was a good outing I feel~ ^_^
Tuesday, July 12, 2005 Woooooooooooooooo....
It takes me two days to recover from the exhaustion I had after Cosfest..hehehe... Anyways, Cosfest 2005 was my first cosplay debut AND it was the first time I went to Cosfest. I reached there with Xiaobai at around 1pm and once Requiem arrived, we rushed to the toilet to do dress up. It was a super low ventilated and warm toilet that led to me being whiny, irritated and sweaty. ESPECIALLY once I put on my red lens, I was immediately irritated, by the lens, by the heat, by the sweat. I rushed out of the toilet as soon as I finished dressing up as an ANBU and settled down at the staircase to put on the remaining of my makeup. Imagine, a red-eyed, irritated girl sitting on the staircase, unable to focus as my lens were non-astimatism lens and I was desperate to try out the liquid eyeliner. Xiaobai's face was wet and her makeup keeps running, especially the eyeliner on her eyes. I was getting super fucked up with myself, the stupid weather and the pencil eyeliner. And I decided to give the liquid eyeliner a go,which was pretty okay in the end, but I was trying not to smudge it with my hand. Then came the harder part, the Itachi lines. Xiaobai tried to draw a symmetric lines but couldn't do it, so I tried to draw 2 thick lines and rub away the line such that it became thin. And Tada!~ Itachi's done. Requiem and Xiaobai commented I look like a pretty Itachi. Acktosh passed by and yell out "Gui ah!!! (Ghost ah!!!)" -__-'' Thanks Acktosh... So anyway, we got ourselves ready and once we entered the tent, I stopped smiling. Kaishi came along and passed me his Akatsuki coat which he was supposed to use for Cosfest. Anyway, I became a ANBU Itachi cum AKA Itachi all at once. But I was a partially blind Itachi and I couldn't see beyond 1 metre around me. I couldn't catch the performance because all seems blur to me. I met up with Animus(ANBU ORO!!! GAY!!!), GWing and Aoi (Athrun and Kira, which Xiaobai mistaken GWing as Shinn >_<), Akira (Lusty lust, we had a lusty picture together XD), Daniel and Julia (Raito and Misa, very good cosplayers you both are!), Manda and many many others! I really had fun throughout, taking a little photos, having people taking photos of myself, interacting with a few cosplayers, buying some lovely fan arts. At the end of the event however, I was dying cos my eyes are 90% blind, my legs are aching and I haven't drank a single drop of water!!! And I am STILL having a bad sorethroat as a result of my drought on Sunday. Thanks Takahan and Stephy for their lovely event!!! I think everyone enjoyed themselves in Cosfest right?!?!?! ahhaha...anyways, here's the link to my personal collection...isn't much, and the photos are mostly with Req, Xiaobai and I in it. http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2123938680 I'm seriously thinking of having a private photoshoot with some close cosplayers, like Dan(RAITO), Req(YONDY), Julia(MISA?), Kaishi(AKAITA), Animus(ORO), Xiaobai(SASU) and Acktosh(KAKASHIT! -__-''). Haven't had it planned yet, but if they are okay with it, I will go ahead with the organising and planning. And Dan/Req/XB/Kaishi, remember our initial *coughs* wedding photoshoot?? hahaha....well, we can do that on the same day as well..ahhaahaahaha.....*coughs* Anyways, I'm looking forward to more cosplay projects in the future!! EOY: Ukitake from Bleach, and in 2006, I will cosplay XXXHolic's Yuuko and hopefully Uruha from Gazette!! >__<
Wednesday, July 06, 2005 I'm not feeling excited about Cosfest actually. I guessed my recent soap opera episode had dampened my spirits...Furthermore, I am now stressed, because my whole costume is only 70% done...I only had 2 and a half more days to finish the whole costume get up...I'm stressed and I can't feel any excitment at all..
Too much sewing means lots of concentration needed...and I think I am quite exhausted...and I'm going to cheat for my Itachi black top..am just going to buy 2 black tops and use one as base, while the other the cloth to do the bloody stupid collar...had bought the black cloth..but i think I seriously had no idea how to DIY the whole top out...T_T I hope Cosfest will go smoothly on that day...I assume there will be 4-5 ANBU Itachi's on that day actually...so I guess I won't be in the limelight...most likely take a few good pictures of some cosplayers, took some pictures with some cosplayers, look around the booths for good fan art (I think I will buy some of Manda's stuff.hehehe) and then hopefully had dinner with some cosplayers..hahah...I think it maybe fun, but I guess being a cosplayer is stressful.. I've been thinking about what kinda pose do I need to do, but Xiaobai says Itachi no need do pose, just stare and be cool...right...-__-'' Am still feeling sluggish...am suppose to finish up my vest today but I ended doing nothing at all...anyway, London won the Olympic bid to host Olympic 2012~~~!!! Am super happy 'cos I've expected them to win!~~ And Singaporeans show their involvement in the games by..............buying 4D/Toto with the lucky numbers of Olympic; the voting numbers, the date, etc..hahah....I'm very amused when my dad told me some 4D numbers are sold out 'cos they signifies the Olympic numerics...lol... Am tired but I promised myself to finish up my vest by hook or crook today...so yah..am going to start now.. I seriously lack discipline..T____T
Saturday, July 02, 2005 I'm quite annoyed with my parents now. They seemed to be tempting me to patch back with my ex. I admit, the reason for my break up is rather simple and I could actually go back to my ex if he can change his short-comings. Frankly speaking, these few days without him has been a little agonising, because I kept thinking back the times I was with him.
When I passed by the places we'd been together, I would recall back what we'd done there and how happy those times were. I really missed him especially when I am alone at home, with nothing to occupy my mind. But I kept my temptation to patch back because I knew in my heart that patching back is just a way of escape from the pain I am feeling now. He asked me to call me yesterday, which I did. I kinda feel obliged to talk to him, because I was the one who initiated the break up. When I heard his voice, it was rather painful, and especially so when he asked me what did he done wrong that could cause me to insist on a break up. That phone call was really painful...in a way that I cried my heart out and really feel damn upset with him. He caused me so much pain, months of taken for granted, neglience and his non-action when I told him he neglected me months back. He was my support when I was down and sad...but he wasn't there when I needed him these few months. He didn't provide the emotional support that I need when I am feeling stressed with my studies. He expects me to come looking for him, but he never expects himself to come looking for me. Too many resentment towards him and with relationship becoming stale, I decided it is really time to end this. But I didn't know it was so hard, to let go of someone I love for 4 years, to see someone who loves you becoming heart broken. He said at least if there is a third party, it would be easier, since only one of us will be heart broken. But because there isn't any third party, both of us felt the pain of the loss of relationship. My ex told me we could still be friends, which I know we will. After all, he is a good friend to me. But not now, I can't meet him nor talk to him at this current moment. Talking to him hurts, meeting him will make me cry. I know I am weak...my mum says I shouldn't cry easily, it is a major disadvantage and I will be bullied both in personal and work matters. But what can I do?! This is a relationship that failed, can't I be sad? Can't I cry over the loss? I woke up today with swollen eyes and feeling a void in my heart. I feel like this time, it is truly over. He called yesterday to confirm if this is really over, if there is any chance to patch back, in which I insisted a no. Then we talked about some unresolved issues between us and thats when I realised, I need to start packing up the photo frame I had on my table, with the picture of us together before he went NS. I need to put away the old ring he gave to me, but I think I should just leave it on my display table as it is...It has sentimental value to me. He told me if possible, not to have any relationship for these past few months, which I told him I would. To end a 4 year relationship is tough, and getting over it is tougher. Moreover, I have no intention to be attached because I want to be free from restriction of a relationship, simply said, I am sick of being attached now. It is really ironic how in the past, I yearned to be attached..but now, I rather be single. I'm still quite dead in my emotions now, because of my draining phone call to him yesterday. Well, as Aoi-kun says, I will get over this, because I am a strong woman. Thanks Aoi for your support. ^__^ Oh yah, not to mention my little sister XIAOBAI!!! Thank you my lovely sister, though you have little love experience, you are still a listener when I am sad and comforts me when I am really down...thanks!~ And also Requiem, for stuffing me with her Dir en Grey stuff..ehhehe... In the meantime, I am rushing the ANBU vest for cosfest NEXT SUNDAY!!! And I am still halfway through with Requiem's vest (YESH!! REQUIEM!!! YOU OWE ME ONE!!!) I still have to finish my vest AND my itachi top (hopefully) by Saturday. I seriously wonder what I should do after Cosfest...I need to start exercising, my tummy and my triceps are bulging with fat now..hahaha.... Oh yah, I think alot of people find tall girls a rare sight...the tailor we'd went to for Bleach group today was like saying I'm tall lah, and when she measured my legs, she was saying something that half of my legs can be someone else's FULL leg length....I was like 'okay....-__-'' ' In addition, I parted my hair to centre parting, in preparation for my itachi hair getup...and I think I look geeky in it...xb says I look girly...kinda, since I clipped my hair to prevent them from falling back to the usual parting...Requiem says I looked geeky though..hehehe...Will show you the picture that I took with requiem another day...if you don't mind req, I think you look good in it lah..hehe ^__^