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About Grooving to a new year! Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 23 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links XiaoBai's deviantartDani3lr My Old Blog Useful Links
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Monday, September 26, 2005 *breathes in deeply*
This is the post that has been erased, out of trace from Blogger yesterday night. I have to re-type this out, which I think I will make it shorter than the original..sigh.. Firstly, the two topics are not related to one another. I need to blog about my drive from Pasir Ris to Bugis because it was really a scary ride (not that I'm the driver but of the worst case scenario situaton I was in). This actually happened on 16th September, which is like 2 weeks ago.. We actually woke up really early to sent our parents off to the airport where they're going on a week's trip to China. My elder sister drove us to the Pasir Ris Park for some cycling fun and we had a good time cycling. I managed to cycle through the park even after a half year hiastus of cycling. Then, my elder sister drove us to White Sands to have our lunch and from there, XB and I told her that we need to go to bugis (XB to KKnM while I to my school). Problem was that she didn't know how to drive from Pasir Ris to Bugis. So, she actually suggested that I drive instead. Now, I did not agree immediately because: a) I haven't been touching the car since more than half a year ago b) I didn't like driving the car when my parents are around because they would nag and make loud noises in the car if I made a mistake and that distracts and irritates me c) I'm told by the CNY chinese horoscope that I need to be careful of road safety this year. But due to the fact that I'm going to be late for my lesson, I decided to gamble it all and drive. Problem 1 came while inside the White Sands's carpark. Everything is smooth until I reached the exit where I had to slot in the cashcard into the deduction machine at the side. I stopped the car, slided open the window and stretched my hand to the machine. There is like a 2 inch gap between the machine and the card. OMG!!! T_T So I had to remove my seatbelt, open the door, reached out to slot in the card. Feeling very embarassed because, the passengers of my car are laughing loudly at me, the cars are waiting at the back and I felt like a total idiot. Once its done, in my haste to get out of the situation, I pulled down the hand brake, stepped on the engine pedal hard and loudly, but forgot to change my gear to the 1st. So the car won't move.-____-'' In the end, my laughing elder sister had to help me change my gear and then we're off, out of the carpark which is my least favorite now. -___-'' Anyway, we stopped by my elder sister's boyfriend's place to drop him off, then proceeded to drive to Bugis. My initial route was from PIE, exit Stevens road, which is the one and only route I know of. But when we'd drove up to the expressway, TRAFFIC CONGESTIONNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ T___T'' From Eunos all the way to CTE, the expressway was packed jammed with cars. And driving a manual car is totally troublesome in a conjestion. 1st gear, 2nd gear, stop the car. Switched back to 1st gear, move, stop again. Repeat process throughout the whole 15 minutes in the expressway. So in the end, we decided to go by what sis's boyfriend's father suggested and exited by Paya Lebar. There, the roads are so crowded and fast that changing lanes is a nightmare. A COMPLETE NIGHTMARE TO ME!! I was like "uncle, let me go first, please please please" in my mind whenever I wanted to change lanes. Driving towards North Bridge road is easier as I past through the Geylang area where the area are less conjested during the day. And so, I finally reached Bugis..phew... But it really is a horrible drive because I couldn't stop my hands from shaking even after I entered my class 30 minutes late. I was too freaked out by the whole conjestion and the crowded roads of Paya Lebar...sigh.. Anyway, last Saturday was a really really fun day for me. Although it started off with a Business Policy test, I headed off to Kbox Cineleisure where Benita, Dan, XB, Gabriel, Oni and John are already at. And so we spent a short time singing mandarin tracks and a few english songs before we ended the session. Then, we met up with Requiem and Osaka and walked to Heeren for a neoprint session. Its only the girls who did the neoprints lah..and it was SOOO FUN!!! HAHAHA...we did an Air gear Kogaramasu chibified pose, a BuHAHAHA Bleach pose, Act cool and one act cute pose which Dan, after much hesitation, decided to do it just for Benita. AHHAA...Really fun ne minna~! And the game we played suggested by Benita is really crazy!!! HAHAAH...Although it was quite a short outing, I really loved it alot and I hoped that when Ben comes back, we go for a long kbox session and take more neoprints too!! >__<'' But that would be in three months time ne~ XD!!!
THE BLOODY BLOGGERRR!!!!! I WRITE ONE WHOLE LONG BLOG POST AND IT ERASED IT!!!! FUCK!!! T__________________________________________T'''
Friday, September 23, 2005 HAHAHAHA!!! apparently, when I asked requiem to go see my blog, she went WTF on me...check it out:
Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: read mine liao?? |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: er no |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: LJ or blogspot Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: blogspot~ heheehehehehehe |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: WAT THE FUCKING HELLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: teckie said u r old? Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: only trying that for one and last time Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: ahhaha Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: yah lah Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: she also say i auntie can |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: **snorts* |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: when?? Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: in the msn... Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: -___-'' Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: you spread to her ah |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: no la |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: its the truth Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: sigh...watever lah..i admit i'm old Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: hehehe |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: actually |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: i can help u make tt post even more lian |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: omg Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: HAHAHA...you post one up lah |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: NOOO Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: then i'll read it Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: ahhaha Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: i actually wanted to make it like those sch kids english Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: but then turn out to be an ahlian blog |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: KNS MAN Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: ehhehehehe... |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: u shld make it like, 'HaiXXXXX...i dunCh nOe y i waNa 2 do tis in e 1st plAce...jUz c sMe1 trY tupid loRxxXXXX.. KeKeKEzz' Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: WAHHHH LAOOOOOO Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: EEEEEEeeeeeEEEE Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: hahah |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: tt is SUPER AH LIAN + XMM language Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: cannot lah..me not that standard Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: too high liao |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: whARhHHH, hw caN joO sAy Tt?? MOi wAn crY LiAoXXX!! Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: DuN Lik tAT laHXXX.... Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: bUT hOh, REallI CAnnOT MaKe iTZ SiaXX Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: -___-'' Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: so tiring |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: ItSh iDioTX siAX, oNLI fCukErxZZ wRiTez lIKEx Tt LoRRRRRHZ Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: ahahha...i'm going to copy this portion and paste it in my blog now!!! Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: ah |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: do it lor |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: hahaha |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: its fucking stupid Sephiroth's da man!~ XD says: i know..and tiring too |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: IT IS STUPID - PLS INCLUDE THIS PORTION TO SAVE MY REPUTATION |requiem| weekend!!! *cheers n celebrates* says: requiem (back to her normal ways!!): this is FUCKING STUPID. I have to put that disclaimer or else i'll be screwed..hahaha...but req, you're rEALLi CaPAble iN mAKIn SUch sENtenCES!! dUn DeNY HOhXX~ XDDD!!!! *coughs badly* I hate this..i shall not type such sentences ever again!!! -__-''
Thursday, September 22, 2005 Title: A tryout of a stupid new writing style
aiya...i dun knoe why i wan 2 do tis in e 1st place...juz c sme1 try tupid tupid style of writin so i try also loh... hmm, wat shd i write ah...aiya, i also dunno lei...i tink req goin 2 kill mi wth tis post..she'll like "OMG!!!! WHY LIKE TAT!!" then i'll hav 2 tell her cos i boliao loh... i tink mine not bad liao loh..cos i dun knoe alot of short forms so juz anyohow type loh...wat to do, i too old liao...req and dan keep sayin i too old, like auntie woh..so jialat lei...sighzzzz todae juz go sch e whole dae then e noon lesson SOOO BORINNNN WOH!!! super draggy 2 loh..the lect dunno wat he tokin abt and keep beatin ard e bush, so cmi loh...in e end, i juz sit there and stone and draw boliao stuff in my notebk..-___-'' then go suntec see see look look but nothin to c, end up eatin at a shop in basemt and ALONEEEE LEI!!!! so sad, me no fren loh, no one pei wo loh...xiaobai still say i never stay at hme to eat wif her...u tink i dun wan meh...got lesson mah... then go back sch 2 listen 2 my lect talk. tis lect better cos cher veri nicceee!!! he tok veri loud de lei...u can hear him frm 2 classes away loh!!! but he funny guy lah...so i enjoy his lect alot...but got 1 girl in class, wah, i cant stand her. she majiam tink e cher can bully, keep makin tupid comments n got 1 tme seems like scoldin e cher lei..so jialat, SUPPPPPEERRR CMI!!! -___-'' aiyo...now i realiz so hard 2 write lik tat...i also CMI liao!! ><'' u'll nver catch mi writin lik tat again loh!! can't tahan man....
Tuesday, September 20, 2005 Omg...I think Dan and Xiaobai will know this song REALLY well...this song is just too lovely...I feel sad everytime I listen to it, and thats because I saw that Naruto fan AMV with that song. The AMV is made for the scenes where Sasuke and Naruto fought. And every scene matches the song lyrics.
But I especially liked this line "And there are voices that want to be heard, so much to mention, but you just can't find the words" because the feeling of having something in your heart but not been able to say it out or not knowing how to say it out hurts badly. So here I present this song's lyrics to you. Listen to your heart by DHT I know there's something in the wake of your smile I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yeah You've built a love but that love falls apart Your little piece of heaven turns too dark Listen to your heart when he's calling for you Listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do I don't know where you're going and I don't know why But listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yeah They're swept away and nothing is what is seems The feeling of belonging to your dreams Listen to your heart when he's calling for you Listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do I don't know where you're going and I don't know why But listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye And there were voices that want to be heard So much to mention but you can't find the words His scent of magic the beauty that's been Well I was wilder than the wind Listen to your heart when he's calling for you Listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do I don't know where you're going and I don't know why But listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye Listen to your heart I don't know where your going and I don't know why Listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye
Sunday, September 18, 2005 I think requiem is going to kill me for listening to sappy love songs instead of all her Dir en Grey songs..ehhee...
BUT, I can't help it. I just love it. Call me masochist, which I am but I really love listening to sad songs. Sad love songs in particular. When I was in polytechnic year one, I have no happy sounding songs at all. My lists are ALL sad depressed love songs.. My borrowed iPod mini has half of the songs that belongs to the genre of SAD SONGS. I shall list the top few sad songs that I think is really lovely in my iPod mini now: Not in order: 1) Hana from ORange Range 2) Last Smile from Love Psychodelico 3) Slipped Away from Avril Lavigne 4) Till I get over you from Michelle Branch 5) Moments by Ayumi Hamasaki 6) Carols by Ayumi Hamasaki 7) Happiness by Glay 8) I Miss You by Blink 182 9) Iris by Goo Goo Dolls 10) Sexed Up by Robbie Williams 11) Jealous Reverse by Dir en Grey 12) Chances by Switchfoot 13) Wo Men De Ai by FIR 14) Grief and Sorrow by NAruto soundtrack 15) Never meant to belong by Bleach soundtrack 16) Nobody's Home by Avril Lavigne 17) D'techno Life by Uverworld yeah..thats currently some tracks that are real sad..and those in bold are those that I really feel like crying when I listen to it...and there's this song called Listen to you heart by DHI...that song is really a sad sad song..T_T But of course, I have some that are not sad...Like Fly me to the moon, Dream a little Dream, Helena, Aesthetics and Identityyyyyyyy!!!~~~~, Happy people and etc...but I still prefer my sad songs~ XD I'm really a masochist..haha...and here's the lyrics for Slipped away, which I loved it when I was listening to Avril Lavigne CD a few weeks ago: Slipped Away" Na na, na na na, na na I miss you, miss you so bad I don't forget you, oh it's so sad I hope you can hear me I remember it clearly The day you slipped away Was the day I found it won't be the same Ooooh Na na na na na na na I didn't get around to kiss you Goodbye on the hand I wish that I could see you again I know that I can't Oooooh I hope you can hear me cause I remember it clearly The day you slipped away Was the day I found it won't be the same Ooooh I had my wake up Won't you wake up I keep asking why And I can't take it It wasn't fake It happened, you passed by Now your gone, now your gone There you go, there you go Somewhere I can't bring you back Now your gone, now your gone There you go, there you go, Somewhere your not coming back The day you slipped away Was the day i found it won't be the same noo.. The day you slipped away Was the day that i found it won't be the same oooh... Na na, na na na, na na I miss you
Friday, September 16, 2005 I'm such as a masochist...I can't help torturing myself with depressing things..
I think it has also got to do with the fact that I'm pretty emotional these few days. I think I am on emo-high frankly speaking. Anyways, I haven't been updating this blog because I was busy studying for a test and rushing through a project in just 4 days! And I managed to produce a 23 pages long report, but with 1.5 spacing, which is a standard thing to do. Phew~ One project's done, 2 more to go. I'm currently listening to a song from Green Day called Wake me up when September ends. I can tell you, my September this year has been really eventful. And it is the first September since so long that I am single. I came to realise that I am really single when I am sitting on the bus back home alone on Thursday and thinking of everything EXCEPT my ex. It is REALLY strange to come to realise that it has been 2 months since my break up and everything is still so freaking normal. I mean, it is as if I wasn't in a relationship at all for this whole year! And due to my lack of hard drive in my memory, I am beginning to forget the things we did together...I do not know whether it is good or not, but it is REALLY strange. And no, this is not the depressing stuffs that I was thinking of the whole week. Because I do not regret breaking up with him at all. In fact, I met him last Sunday for a gathering with our old CCA friends. It was REALLy awkward...and I was trying to make conversation with him once in a while. After an hour, I was less stoned but quiet and practically listened to them talk about what they have been up to. And my ex had highlighted his hair, which looked kinda okay...but it isn't really outstanding. I had to go off early, and thankfully since I have to rush my project out. And Requiem was totally stressed out for the past week, and I didn't dare to talk to her because I think she will be pissed with me. haha...Well, now that her exams are over, she can finally relax. Tine ah, i see you stress i also stress le... Dan had just recovered~ ^_^ which is good and I hope to see you well and bouncy~ Remember to pounce on XiaoBai when you meet her the next time~ XD And I am going to the open house of Waseda Shibuya Senior High School this Sunday with Xiaobai..hope it will be fun on that day so that I can forget all my troubles on that day...just one day... Xiaobai's setting up a stall in EOY~!!! please support her ne~~ XD I think is a really good experience for her and Xiaobai, don't be discouraged okay? people's art is good doesn't mean you're not k? ^___^ Somehow, this post isn't depressing..T___T well..I shall do it again for the next post...
Monday, September 05, 2005 I really do not know why I still bother surfing the forum...
The fact is, spam is increasing per day and it even spread to the cosplay chat section. It is not my business but what I saw in the cosplay chat section was quite a turn off for me. I never like arguments, and to come across threads that become like a battle ground is really irritating. I am not a vocal person, and I don't like the idea of flaming people or criticising people in a public forum. But I saw a couple of forum members actually voicing out and that in turned snowballed to a thread battle between two irritated parties. THE WEIRD THING IS, they are all sitting somewhere else, either in the comforts of their home or school and not facing one another. What's the problem? Internet's the problem. Too much miscommunication can just happen online. When you are talking offline, you tend to mind what you said but in the world of Internet, you are safe and sound in your own world. You do not need to care if the person knows you or if you will feel the need to back down from an arguement. Instead, in the Internet, there is a 'safety' veil in front of you, and you can unlease your inner anger out easily and quickly. You can say it is good in a way, that people are finally speaking up for themselves. But hey, it isn't a good way to speak up in the Internet. Misunderstanding, unreasonable behaviour will simply occur because people are able to hid behind their own online identities. Of course, there are members who are already well known both online and offline since they could be cosplayers or photographers. But is it me or is it that people are not afraid of what others might think by just shooting their mouths off in the forum? Maybe I am too conservative in my thinking, or just that I am not a vocal person. I just think it is too much for me to see such threads. If people can keep their cool, swallow some of their ego and back off or laugh it off, I believe the world would be a happier place. The fact is, education is good in a way, but an educated person will tend to be too smart for their own good. I'm starting to wonder if you need to lose your conscience and heart to replace for a clever mind or getting educated. I speak for myself too. I am going to graduate with a degree and I do feel that I am too smart for my own good. I tend to think too much and I keep having the perceptions that I am of a certain class, just because I am a degree holder. But the thing about me is that I know I am doing it and I am willing to change my mindset. But there are many people who don't realise how fortunate they are to have education, and they became arrogant and selfish to achieve even more in their lives. Conclusion: This world is badly corrupted. Anyway, I really have no intentions to accuse anyone in the forum. I just want to say that being vocal isn't always a good thing. Especially online. End of story.
Saturday, September 03, 2005 Thats the kind of perception I got from people. That I can't cook. Thats why the long cook post previously..ahaha..but anyways, REQUIEM hates it so I shall post a new post here so that she can stop looking at the cook post..hahaha
BUT, before moving on to a new topic, i need to clarify something. I can cook. XD Anyways, I met Dan, Requiem, Akira, John and Kie on Friday to kinda celebrate Dan's birthday. Though is only a short outing, I think Dan's a happy sasunaru fan girl now because Requiem gave a Naruto plushie, XB and I gave a Sasuke plushie and Akira gave her a sasunaru doujin... And on my table right now (with a Mcdonalds toy dog) is my Kakashi plushie. My plushie is damn cute can!! hahahaha I realise I do not regret breaking up with my ex because I would not have done what I like and what I want now. And meeting up with friends and buying what I like is one of the things I can enjoy without him. And strangely, I didn't miss him. Maybe I really didn't love him as much as I thought I was. *shrugs* I don't care now..^_^ Btw, I did a seme/uke quiz and I was a -80%seme....I kinda agree. I think I have the characteristics of seme and uke and it shows at times... Okay, skipped to Takuya's conversation..hehehe..I shall post it out..its kinda interesting what I write about myself at times... CONVERSATION WITH TAKUYA~ Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: i realise 1 thing Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: wnhat?? Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: talking to u here easier than outside Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: u mean talking to me offline? Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: yah..i am more talkative online de Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: yeh Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: yeh lo Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: sads Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: somehow, i am still nt used to talking to guys face to face...very hard to shake off the feeling that i am single, not having a bf.. Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: when i'm with my ex..i tend to have a wall betw me and a guy...so that wall is still there..but slowly eroding lah... Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: sokka Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: ganbatte ar Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: looking 4ward to talk to u more in real life ar Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: thanks...i dun usually talk much offline anyways....but i will try to talk to u more ba..hahaha..i just need to get used to talking to a guy again..ahahha Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: hehe Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: u're my friend wa Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: hehe Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: another thing to note..online talking doesn't need a face..and u can type something but before pressing enter, you can retract what you want to say..incase it will offend Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: haix Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: like tat, i felt more sian ar Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: so in the sense, offline is harder, cos pple will be looking at you and you need to watch what you say.. Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: heh..why?? Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: cos i love to talk to ppl face to face ar, feels more comfortable, cos the feeling of alive is there ar Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: to me, can talk anithing from the heart de Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: no nid hide Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: cos i used to it le Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: either gd/bad, i also tahan Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: i used to prefer that way lah..but i'm quite a low-esteem person..so sometimes u see me, i dun look at ur eyes..cos i dun feel comfortable at pple looking at me..i dun like me... Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: u lack self-confident ar Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: major lack man.. Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: nowadays okay le ba... Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: used to be really bad Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: but i still have problems looking into guys' eyes... Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: scare wat Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: nt eating u wa Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: i nid to bathe ke, superb late Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: later Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: hahaha..okay~ Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: back Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: back to topic... Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: is not as if i am scared of guys Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: just feel uncomfortable looking into a guy's eyes.. Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: sokka Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: scare of they like u or Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: nope...scared that they dont like what they see... Thanks for the early bday gifts, guys & gals~ Realli happy~ And thanks for the cake crews XD says: as in Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: like i say, i dun like my looks...and i have many experiences where guys looked at me in a condenscending manner... Dream a little dream~ by Michael Buble says: so i dun look into their eyes because i am scared of what they see.. Shall stop here since there's not much I said from then on..But yup, that is one thing I never thought of until Takuya asked me. And it is true that because I had a relationship, I feel I created a wall between a guy and I. But like I said, its eroding away. But the fact that I do not dare to look into their eyes is true. But this is a barrier I would need to overcome, but that takes time..