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About Grooving to a new year! Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 23 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links XiaoBai's deviantartDani3lr My Old Blog Useful Links
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005 You think too much when you're down...when pressure adds onto your shoulders like a big boulder.
You think too much when you're in your room, face with many things but most significantly, the four walls. Enveloping your dreams and aspirations in that room, you feel restricted and wanted out. You think too much when you have nothing to do. Thinking of the far future, which you can't attain yet. And thinking about the long gone past, which you can never change. You think too much when you're happy. You think about all the things that make you happy and the things that will make you even more happy. You think too much when you're depressed...thinking about the things that cause you to be sad and things that may make you even more depressed. You think too much when it's night time...when your usual happy mood dulls as darkness engulfs you. And dark and unwanted thoughts rise and invade your mind, and you can't help feeling down as your tears flood your face. You think too much when you're all alone; at home, in a bus, in the train, everywhere. Your mind wanders and weaves out imaginative thoughts of what ifs and you end up falling into that fantasy land. And you think too much when you realise that almost half the time of the day is spent thinking about things that are not real, that cannot be real, that when BANG reality sets in on you, you end up feeling disappointed, stupid and useless. Thats when you need to wake up, and stop your thinking.
Saturday, October 15, 2005 I'm sick, coughing really badly like my EOY cosplay character Ukitake...haha...And after battling 3 days of cold virus on my own (with my trusty Panadol Cold and just plain water), I decided to give up and seek medical assistance...hahah..
Just ate my medicine and sigh...I'm feeling really drowsy now...must be the cough medicine. But at least within a matter of days, I should be getting well. Last project is due on Wednesday so I need to rush my parts out by tonight..hope I can sleep early again. After that project, I'm going to slack alittle while before concentrating on my exams. In the meantime, I need to find some time to catch Corpse Bride and April Snow. It's raining very very heavily right now, and I don't know how am I going to go to Bugis for my japanese lesson. Have to think of some way to keep myself from getting drenched from the heavy downpour. I'm feeling really tired now..I think I should rest awhile before we set off for Bugis..sigh..I think I have something to write but my body's not working well now..must be the cough medicine...urgh...-___-''
Friday, October 14, 2005 If you all noticed, the Sgcafe got this 7 sins cosplay thing going on right??
Actually, I FEEL LIKE DOING IT~~ heehhe... If I want to cosplay one of the 7 sins, it would be either gluttony (cos I'm one) or pride~ And I will imagine it to be a very posh style photoshoot...like if its lust, she'll be wearing a hot red outfit and with makeup looking really seductively.. Or Wrath, with red eyes, broken glass or shredded paper around the person. Sloth will be on a couch, lying lazily and looking lazily, wearing a night gown...(think Suzu in PMK manga) Envy will definitely be green, but Envy is quite hard to portray actually...so someone has to be beside Envy to make the feeling out... Greed...ooo...thats a good one...everyone associates greed with money, materialism...but greed holds all forms...to me, a glutton is also greedy because you crave and desire for more food...But in the photoshoot, either the person is surrounded with many same things... Demo...the sg cafe 7 sins cosplay isn't something I am interested in...because these are people that I don't know..so is hard to do cosplaying with them... I actually thought of some friends who can do 7 sins..hahah...but haven't finish thinking..so not all my friends are inside...Anyone interested???? XDXD
Monday, October 10, 2005 I cut my hair real short today. It was a BIG deal to me because I have grown this hair since 3 years ago. When the hair stylist cut it, I actually felt like tearing..because the hair that was cut will also take away a part of myself as well.
I'd grown this hair since I was with my ex-boyfriend. From polytechnic, till now, I have this length of hair through thick and thin. I had never cut it short from the time I had a boyfriend. Now, cutting it implies a new chapter of life. People do say that cutting your hair is like cutting away your troubles, cutting away some part of your life and to begin afresh. Frankly speaking, when I broke up with my ex, I really wanted to cut my hair short. But I couldn't bear to do so, since this hair was with me for 3 years and my sissy stylist insisted that I should have long hair..hahah.. But why do I cut it now? I don't know...I just felt that I really need to cut my hair away because firstly, it is irritating to see the same old you in the mirror 24/7...secondly, I just need a new start. And cutting my hair signifies that. How short one asked? VERY short is the term to use..think the length of my hair reaches to the end of neck..from a almost quarter back length to end of neck..I really REALLY cut alot off my hair..hahah.. I told ziru, dan and xb that I initially wanted to go australia to further my studies when I graduated from polytechnic..what stopped me was my ex...because I felt bad leaving him alone in Singapore. Well, the ironic thing was because I stayed in Singapore to study instead, I get to know about the cosplay scene, know many many people and make friends. But because of cosplaying, I slowly realised how I cannot stay in a relationship where my man doesn't support me. And cosplay is the one that did a snowball effect on my increasing unhappiness in the relationship too..so this is the irony part; that I didn't go Australia for my ex, but we broke up in the end. Then again, our relationship was pretty weak at that point of time so a small thing can just create a crack. I do not regret not going to Australia, because firstly, what's done can't be undone. And secondly, because I stayed in Singapore, I found my religion and made many friends as well...so I guessed it is a blessing in disguise~ ^__^~ As for now, I think I feel so much lighter on my head without so much hair..HAHAAH~ And younger too~ ho ho ho!! XD