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About Grooving to a new year! Profile Name: IvyNick: Ironyv Age: 23 Gender: Female Birthday: 30 November Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Country: Singapore Interests: Makeup, Reading books, Reading manga, watching anime, listening to music, slacking Links XiaoBai's deviantartDani3lr My Old Blog Useful Links
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Sunday, May 14, 2006 Haven't been actively updating this blog..hahaa...Since the start of work, I haven't had much time to do lots of internet surfing. Even in the office, I am so busy until there isn't time for me to do some surfing...so here I am, at the end of weekend, blogging something that I heard from my friend that I met last week.
What she told me was pretty shocking, but not surprising. Because I knew that these recent months, the rise of Indian workers moving into my neighbourhood is prominent. Especially the area where my friend is living. It isn't good when you can see all the sarongs and cloth all around the whole block. This signifies the appearance of the Indian workers. Now, I'm not against them yah.. I don't mind them at all. There was once when at early morning, I took a lift alone with 5 other Indian immigrants. To me, I felt that my block is pretty safe. Until what I heard from my friend her experience. She had been harassed by one Indian before. My friend lived in an old flat, estates that are older than mine. Recently, HDB had informed them to move out and gave them new flat selections to choose. I believe the government wanted to rebuild that area. But while awaiting to receive their new flat, my friend is still at the old estate. Some of the flat owners in her block and other blocks had already moved out. And recently, a large group of Indian workers moved into these older estates. Even my friend's next door unit has been rented to a few Indian workers. She told me, that these workers would invite more Indians into their house, drinking beer and talking loudly and kept the doors open. And if she comes back home, the Indians will all turn to stare at her. Imagine how scary that situation is... So anyway, to the main story. One day, my friend wasn't feeling well and went home early from work. While waiting for her lift, there was an Indian and a Chinese waiting for the lift as well. After the lift came, the Indian entered with her, while the Chinese had went up in the other alternative lift. When she reached her level, she exited and the Indian also exited. The Indian walked away first, and my friend thought that the guy has went off. BUT, when she returned home and turned to close the door, the Indian was standing in front of her! MASTURBATING AND TALKING DIRTY TO HER! Luckily, her mum happened to be at home. She was too dazed and stunned and finally only managed to tell the Indian she's calling the police and slammed the door. Of course, by the time the police came, the Indian had went off. She told me she was pretty traumatised by the incident, and as for me, I am worried about her safety. With that many Indians living around her estate, ANYTHING can happen. I told her to write to our MP, to address the issue of women's safetly around our neighbourhood. With a female MP, I hope maybe she will do something about it. Maybe I should write to her as well...but whatever it is, from now on, I do feel alittle worried when I see Indians. Like how I rather take the other lift that doesn't reach my level than to take the lift that reaches my level with 2 male indian workers. Danger lurks, and it is better to be safe than sorry.